목동 신시가지 썸네일형 리스트형 Housing Site Development and a Shift in Urban Architecture at Mok-dong in Seoul (2015.5) Housing Site Development and a Shift in Urban Architecture at Mok-dong in Seoul 택지개발사업과 서울 목동 신시가지 도시건축의 변화 The Journal of Seoul Studies (ISSN 1225-746X), Vol. 59, pp.125-162. 서울학연구 제59호, 2015.5, 125-162 (38 pages) http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Journal/ArticleDetail/3717113 ABSTRACT The background, processes and characteristics of changing urban planning paradigms in Seoul can be seen as an essential c.. 더보기 이전 1 다음