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Contemporary Korean Architecture

Megacity Network Contemporary Korean Architecture Contemporary Korean Architecture Megacity Network Kim Sung Hong I Peter Cachola Schmal (Eds.) Seoul – one of the densest urban areas on the planet. The tremendous pressure this megacity inflicts on architecture in terms of spatial intensification, verticalization and amplification, challenges architectural stereotypes and promotes innovation. Megacity Network presents 32 projects from the last t.. 더보기
Germany-Korea Public Space Forum Germany-Korea Public Space Forum Deutschland-Korea Public Space Forum KIM Sung Hong and Peter Cachola Schmal Eds. Korean Organizing Committee for the Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2005, Deutsches Architektur Museum, Stadt Frankfurt am Main Foreword In January 2005, I met with Dr. Klaus Klemp and Mr. Peter Cachola Schmalin Frankfurt to discuss a theme for the Germany-Korea Forum on a.. 더보기
Megacity Network Contemporary Korean Architecture (2007.12) Megacity Network KIM Sung Hong In KIM Sung Hong & Peter Cachola Schmal Eds., Megacity Network : Contemporary Korean Architecture. Berlin: Jovis, 2007, pp.42-59. One of the major challenges that contemporary Korean architecture has been facing in recent decades has been to simply keep pace with rapid industrialization and the corresponding densification of its major urban center, the megacity kno.. 더보기
Paradox of Public Space (2005.10) The Paradox of Public Space in the Asian Metropolis Germany-Korea Public Space Forum, Deutsches Architektur Museum Korean Organizing Committee for the Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2005, October 14, 2005 KIM, Sung Hong, University of Seoul Reprinted as the ttile of "The Paradox of Public Space in the Korean Metropolis," In Limin Hee, Boontharm Davisi, and Erwin Viray Eds, Future Asi.. 더보기
Online@Offline (2004.12) online@offline City of the bang, 2004 Venice Biennale, 9th International Architecture Exhibition, Korean Culture & Art Foundation 방의도시, 2004베니스비엔날레 제9회 국제건축전 한국관 KIM, Sung Hong, Commissario Aggiunto Seoul is one of the densest urban centers on the planet. Approximately one quarter of the total population of South Korea, over ten million people, live in the capital city today. The concentration o.. 더보기
From Online to Offline (2002.12) From Online to Offline: The Emergence of a New Urban Community In the Age of Information Technology (Un) Bounding Tradition: The Tensions of Borders and Regions, 8th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, Hong Kong, 2002.12, pp.11-12. KIM, Sung Hong Abstract: While Seoul is one of the densest urban areas on the planet, the percentage of Internet us.. 더보기