공공공간 썸네일형 리스트형 Book Review : Future Asian Space (2013.1.17) Future Asian Space by Singapore Review of Books January 17, 2013 http://singaporereviewofbooks.org/2013/01/17/future-asian-space/ Sung Hong KIM, “The Paradox of Public Space in the Korean Metropolis,” In Limin Hee, Boontharm Davisi, and Erwin Viray Eds, Future Asian Space: Projecting the Urban Space of New East Asia, Singapore: NUS Press, 2012. By Jia-Ching Chen, PhD Candidate in City & Regional.. 더보기 Germany-Korea Public Space Forum Germany-Korea Public Space Forum Deutschland-Korea Public Space Forum KIM Sung Hong and Peter Cachola Schmal Eds. Korean Organizing Committee for the Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2005, Deutsches Architektur Museum, Stadt Frankfurt am Main Foreword In January 2005, I met with Dr. Klaus Klemp and Mr. Peter Cachola Schmalin Frankfurt to discuss a theme for the Germany-Korea Forum on a.. 더보기 테헤란로 공공공간 (2003.03) 테헤란로 高層事務所 建物 저층부의 公共空間에 관한 연구 A Study on the Public Space of High-Rise Office Buildings on Teheranno Street in Seoul 大韓建築學會論文集 계획계 2003.3, 19권 3호 pp.3-10. 윤 한 섭, 김 성 홍 Yun, Han-Seob Kim, Sung-Hong Abstract This paper discusses the public space of the high-rise office buildings on Teheranno street. Since the 1980s, there has been a rapid growth in the construction of high-rise buildings due to t.. 더보기 이전 1 다음