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Sung Hong Kim

Gangnam, Architectural Laboratory of Seoul (2017-09-03) 강남, 서울건축의 실험장 Gangnam, Architectural Laboratory of Seoul 『자율진화도시』, UIA 2017 서울세계건축대회 기념전, 서울시립미술관, 2016, pp.119-123. 강남을 서울보다 더 유명하게 만들었던 ‘싸이’의 ‘강남 스타일’은 정작 강남의 속살을 보여주지 않는다. 한강둔치나 놀이공원과 같은 강남을 둘러싼 주변부, 혹은 주차장, 테니스장, 체육관처럼 지하와 실내공간이 배경으로 등장할 뿐이다. 게다가 마구간, 사우나, 묻지마 관광버스 안에서 벌어지는 춤판을 편집한 영상에서 외부인들은 강남이 어떤 곳인지 가늠하기 쉽지 않다. 그들의 눈에 비친 강남스타일은 세련됨보다는 가식을 조롱하는 의도된 촌스러움이다. 그 배경인 도시건축은 명품과 키치의 잡종에 가깝다. 그럼에.. 더보기
100+ Forum Russia, Round Table Talk (10-6-2017) Round Table Talk, "Compact City and Urban Density as seen through The FAR Game” at Sung Hong KIM 100+ Forum Russia 2 Expo Blvd, Ekaterinburg October 6, 2017, 2pm http://www.forum-100.ru/ http://www.forum-100.com/program/compact-city-enhancement-of-urban-planning-density-as-a-tool-of-managing-urban-spaces/ Panelists: Sung Hong Kim, University of Seoul/ Michael Trinkner, Associate Partner KCAP/ Al.. 더보기
Movements in Contemporary Korean Architecture, 1987-1997 (09-01-2017) Movements in Contemporary Korean Architecture, 1987-1997 In Architecture as Movement, Modern Architecture in South Korea, 1987-97, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Korea, pp. 12-29 (In English); “한국 현대건축 운동의 흐름, 1987-1997,” , 국립현대미술관, 2017.12, pp.32-41 (In Korean); also in Papers and Concrete: Modern Architecture in Korea 1987-1997, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.. 더보기
Seoul Re-Visioned (09-04-2017) Seoul Re-Visioned Urban Futures: Living in the Inner City Regenerating Urban Architecture for Cohesion and Sustainability Keynote Forum, UIA 2017 Seoul, Monday, September 4, 2017 http://www.uia2017seoul.org/gallery/e_videoView_1.asp Seoul stands today as a city rife with architectural contrast. On the one hand, mega-scale urban projects have spawned the high-rise apartment buildings that are ubi.. 더보기
Urban Futures: Living in the Inner City (09-04-2017) Urban Futures: Living in the Inner City Regenerating Urban Architecture for Cohesion and Sustainability Kick-Off Keynote Forum, UIA 2017 Seoul Monday, September 4, 2017 Cristiane Muniz, Wilfried Wang, John Peponis, Sung Hong Kim http://www.uia2017seoul.org/paper/e_paper_03.asp Living in the inner city is at present affected by economic, social, and environmental uncertainties. In many world mega.. 더보기
The Innerview, Arirang TV (2016.10.18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11BYKmF_Dbs&feature=youtu.be The Innerview, Arirang TV (2016.10.18) Kim, Sung Hong, Art Director of the Korean Pavilion Arirang TV is an international English-language network based in Seoul, South Korea operated by the Korea International Broadcasting Foundation. 더보기
Why the FAR Game? 왜 용적률 게임인가? (2016.5.1) Why the FAR (Floor Area Ratio) Game? 왜 용적률 게임인가? The FAR Game: Constraints Sparking Creativity 용적률(容積率)게임: 창의성을 촉발하는 제약(制約) One the Korean Front Line 한국의 전선(戰線)에서 Of the few dozen articles on architecture and urbanism I have contributed to the Korea Joongang Daily, it was the one entitled “The FAR Game” that received the biggest response from readers. While FAR (Floor Area Ratio) appears to be t.. 더보기
The FAR Game: Constraints Sparking Creativity 용적률 게임: 창의성을 촉발하는 제약 The FAR Game: Constraints Sparking Creativity 용적률(容積率)게임: 창의성을 촉발하는 제약(制約) One the Korean Front Line 한국의 전선(戰線)에서 The Korean Pavilion, Biennale Architettura 2016, La Biennale di Venezia By Sung Hong KIM, Eungee CINN, Keehyun AHN, Seungbum KIM, Isak CHUNG, Da Eun JEONG, Richard Enos The front line of the architectural battles waged in Korea inexorably runs through its capital city of Seoul. Korea.. 더보기
Hyper Density - New Architecture & Urbanism in Seoul (2014.4.16) Hyper Density - New Architecture & Urbanism in Seoul Sung Hong KIM April 16, 2014 - 6:00PM LECTURE SERIES SPRING 2014 School of Architecture College of Architecture Georgia Tech Reinsch-Pierce Family Auditorium 245 4th St. NW Atlanta, GA 404 894 3880 http://www.arch.gatech.edu/event/lectures 더보기
Changes in Urban Planning Policies and Urban Morphologies in Seoul, 1960s to 2000s (2013.9) Changes in Urban Planning Policies and Urban Morphologies in Seoul, 1960s to 2000s Kim, Sung Hong, “Changes in Urban Planning Policies and Urban Morphologies in Seoul, 1960s to 2000s,” Architectural Research, International Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, ISSN 1229-6163, Vol. 15, No. 3(September 2013). pp.133-141. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to highlight the main polici.. 더보기