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Sung Hong Kim

What is an Architecture Museum? (2024.1.31) 2024.1.31 Sung Hong Kim, Invited Lecture, “What is an Architecture Museum?” 2024 Spring Lecture Series, School of Architecture, Georgia Tech, Reinsch-Pierce Family Auditorium. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/georgiatechschoolofarchitecture_sung-hong-kim-professor-of-architecture-activity-7156015296758091776-KX7Q LinkedIn Georgia Tech School of Architecture 페이지: Sung Hong Kim, Professor of Archite.. 더보기
Apartment, Land, and Urban Inequality in Seoul, (2022.11.16) https://ii.umich.edu/ncks/news-events/events/conferences---symposia/perspectives-on-contemporary-korea/reclaiming-the-city.html Reclaiming the City | U-M LSA Nam Center for Korean Studies ii.umich.edu Sung Hong Kim, “Apartment, Land, and Urban Inequality in Seoul.” Virtual Conference, Reclaiming the City, Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference, November 12-13, 2021, University of Michigan.. 더보기
Vision and Challenges for KMUA, ICAM 21 Munich (2022.9.9) https://www.architekturmuseum.de/en/exhibitions/icam22-in-muenchen/ ICAM21 in Munich – Architekturmuseum der TUM ICAM21 in Munich International Confederation of Architectural Museums The Architekturmuseum der TUM is extremely pleased to be the host of the 21st ICAM Conference, which will take place from September 6 - 11, 2022. ICAM is the International Confederation www.architekturmuseum.de Sung.. 더보기
Lessons from Seoul: The Inequality of Density in Megacities (서울에서의 교훈: 거대도시에서의 밀도의 불평등) (2020.10.1) Lessons from Seoul: The Inequality of Density in Megacities https://www.transfer-arch.com/transfer-next/ TRANSFER Global Architecture Platform, 2020.10.1 Excerpted and modified from "High Density Dilemmas: Apartment Development vs. Urban Management Plan in Seoul," Seoul Studies, (The Seoul Institute), Vol.19, No.4. December 2018, pp.1-19. 더보기
Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Seul Despues de 1960 2020.02.14 Special Lecture, “Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Seul Despues de 1960,” Auditorio Ricardo Bermudez, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseno, Universidad de Panama, Panama. 더보기
Architectural Challenges in a City of Collectivism (집단주의 도시에서의 건축도전) (2019.11.7) “Architectural Challenges in a City of Collectivism” 집단주의 도시에서의 건축 도전 In Collective City, 2019 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2019, pp.66-73. Cities are collective by nature. Lewis Mumford defined the city as “a geographical plexus, an economic organization, and an institutional process, a theater of social action, and an aesthetic symbol of collectiv.. 더보기
Eclectic Seoul (2019.11.28-29) 2019.11.29 Special Lecture, “Eclectic Seoul,” Department of Architecture, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland. https://girot.arch.ethz.ch/events-conferences/designing-water-2-2 Eclectic Seoul - Professor Christophe Girot • 29 November 2019 | Lecture Prof. Sung Hong Kim | ETHZ girot.arch.ethz.ch https://arch.ethz.ch/en/news-und-veranstaltungen/veranstaltungen/details.s.. 더보기
High Density Dilemmas (2018.7.10) Invited Keynote Speaker, “High Density Dilemmas: Apartment Development in Seoul,” 12SSS (12th International Space Syntax Symposium), Beijing Jiatong University, China 8th July – 12th July, 2019. http://www.12sssbeijing.com/speakers/ 더보기
High Density Dilemmas: Apartment Development vs. Urban Management Plan in Seoul (2018-12-31) High Density Dilemmas: Apartment Development vs. Urban Management Plan in Seoul Seoul Studies, (The Seoul Institute), Vol.19, No.4. December, 2018, pp.1-19. https://www.si.re.kr/node/61111 ABSTRACT This paper examines 24 apartment complexes that were in the review process by the Seoul Metropolitan Government between 2013 and 2017. First, it overviews the laws governing apartment complex construc.. 더보기
지루함(boredom)의 역설, aoa의 건축 (2017-11-24) 지루함(boredom)의 역설, aoa의 건축 『제10회 젊은 건축가상 2017』, 시공문화사, 2017, pp.15-29. 각종 행사로 한국건축계가 분주했던 9월 첫 토요일 오후 ‘문화역 서울284’를 찾았다. 전시가 막을 내리기 몇 시간 전이었다. 경성역사 귀빈실 분위기를 재현한 네모난 방에 올해의 젊은건축가 강제용과 전종우(IDÉEAA), 국형걸(HG-Architecture), 서재원과 이의행(aoa architects)의 작업이 마지막 관람객들을 기다리고 있었다. 심사위원들의 의도였는지 우연한 결과였는지, 세 건축사무소의 개성과 색깔이 전시에서 뚜렷하게 드러났다. 유클리드기하학과 파라메트릭의 경계를 넘나드는 국형걸의 작업과, 공공성을 실천하고 있는 이데아의 크고 작은 공공건축물 사이에, 에이오에이.. 더보기